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Net/Gross Salary Calculator Bulgaria


Net salary N.B Please keep in mind that this calculator could only be used as a general gross-net orientation for your convenience. For a more exact gross-net salary calculation you are advised to apply another tool.

Gross salary N.B Please keep in mind that this calculator could only be used as a general gross-net orientation for your convenience. For a more exact gross-net salary calculation you are advised to apply another tool.

Personal Income Tax (10% on the taxable amount*)

All tаxes, paid by the employee, including social security taxes** (12.90%) and personal income tax

*Taxable Amount = gross salary – social security taxes

**Social security taxes include % deductions for pension, health insurance, unemployment, etc.

*Taxable Amount = gross salary – social security taxes

**Social security taxes include % deductions for pension, health insurance, unemployment, etc.

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